Bots for Clinics, Pharmacies, and other Medical Institutions

The mHealth market grows annually by 35-40%. Patients desire online doctor communication, appointment bookings, access to health reports, and test results. TEMVOX products address these needs.

Main Robot



Cut expenses: the assistance of voice and chat bots in the healthcare system significantly reduces the cost of medical services by reducing the expenditure on reception staff or call centres.


Engage with patients in real-time: the chat bot swiftly responds to inputted data and instantly adapts its responses, resembling real-time interaction with a doctor. Based on inputted symptoms, it provides initial recommendations, helps monitor well-being, and in cases of deterioration or complexity, promptly notifies the need for scheduling an appointment with a doctor.


Scale up: increase the number of patients served by bots without compromising service quality.


Alleviate administrators from mundane tasks: bots will aid patients in booking appointments, send reminders regarding appointments and visit times, offer answers to commonly asked questions, and collect patients' contact details.


Improve patients satisfaction: utilize a chatbot or voice bot to automate the retrieval of test results, instructions, medication reminders, and other services. This streamlines access to vital information for treatment compliance and fosters loyalty towards the healthcare institution.


Maintain confidentiality: the intelligent assistant is specifically designed to prioritize the preservation of patient anonymity and doctor-patient confidentiality.




Answers to frequently asked questions

The chatbot will supply details regarding the availability and costs of medical services, the clinic's and specialists' working hours. It can also notify patients about upcoming appointments. If needed, during operational hours, the chatbot or voice bot can link the patient with an administrator or redirect the conversation to the relevant specialist for consultation.


Appointment scheduling and confirmation

The chatbot will help gather details about the doctor, procedure, preferred date, and time for scheduling appointments at the clinic. If needed, it can also verify appointment availability and propose alternative options. In just minutes, the chatbot can collect information from all patients regarding the status of their appointment bookings and create reports on confirmed and unconfirmed appointments.



The chatbot will politely ask patients about their satisfaction with the services provided by the medical centre, their likelihood of recommending the clinic, and their interest in new services. It will also give them the chance to evaluate the quality of the services received and provide feedback.


Information and reminders

The bots will provide updates on promotions, news, test result availability, and send reminders for scheduled check-ups.


We're excited to hear from you and answer any questions you may have about our platform and services.

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We look forward to receive your response and discovering how our AI voice and chat bots can assist in the growth and prosperity of your business.

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